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B.Sc Mathematics (C.G.)

Book Name



B.Sc Mathematics (C.G.)

B.Sc First Year

  1. Algebra 
  2. Calculus
  3. बीजगणित 
  4. कलन
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak

B.Sc Second Year

  1. Advanced Calculus
  2. Differential Equations
  3. Mechanics
  4. उच्च कलन
  5. अवकल समीकरण
  6. यांत्रिकी
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak

B.Sc Third Year

  1. Analysis
  2. Abstract Algebra
  3. Discrete Mathematics
  4. विश्लेषण
  5. अमूर्त बीजगणित
  6. विविक्त गणित
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak

B.Sc Mathematics (M.P.)

B.Sc Mathematics (M.P.)

Book Name



B.Sc First Year

  1. Algebra, Vector Analysis & Geometry
  2. Calculus & Differential Equations
  3. Mathematical Logic and Sets
  4. बीजगणित, सदिश विश्लेषण एवं ज्यामिति
  5. कलन एवं अवकल समीकरण
Dr. H.K. Pathak

Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak

Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak


B.Sc Second Year

  1. Abstract Algebra & Linear Algebra
  2. Advanced Calculus & Partial Differential Equations
  3. अमूर्त बीजगणित एवं रैखिक बीजगणित

  4. उच्च कलन एवं आंशिक अवकल समीकरण

Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak

Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak


B.Sc Third Year

  1. Numerical Methods and Scientific Computation
  2. Elements of Discrete Mathematics
  3. Probability and Statistics
  4. Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra
  5. संख्यात्मक विधिया और वैज्ञानिक संगणना
  6. विविक्त गणित के तत्व
  7. प्रायिकता और सांख्यिकी
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak


M.Sc Mathematics

M.Sc Mathematics

Book Name



  1. Functional Analysis with Applications
  2. Real Analysis
  3. Complex Analysis
  4. Advanced Abstract Algebra
  5. Advanced Discrete Mathematics 
  6. Fluid Dynamics
  7. Differential Geometry
  8. Partial Differential Equations
  9. Topology
  10. Integral Equation with Boundary Value Problems
  11. Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations
  12. Operational Research
  13. Special Functions
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. A.B. Chandramouli

Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. G.S. Sao


B.C.A (C.G.)

B.C.A (C.G.)

Book Name



B.C.A First Year

  1. Discrete Mathematics
Dr. H.K. Pathak

B.C.A Second Year

  1. Calculus & Differential Equation
Dr. H.K. Pathak

B.C.A Third Year

  1. Statistical Analysis
Dr. H.K. Pathak

Engineering Mathematics (C.G.)

Engineering Mathematics (C.G.)

Book Name



  1. Applied Mathematics - I
  2. Applied Mathematics - II
  3. Applied Mathematics - III
  4. Applied Mathematics - IV
  5. Computational Mathematics (Numerical Analysis)
  6. Discrete Mathematical Structure - IV
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
Dr. H.K. Pathak
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